Thursday, October 16, 2014

Rhetoric versus Reality in the House 81 Race

Despite his personal willingness to raise property taxes in the face of falling home values, Sandack is attempting to smear his opponent Elizabeth "Liz" Chaplin as a profligate spendthrift, despite her record of frugality while serving on the DuPage Water Commission. In 2009 and 2010, while Mayor Sandack was busy raising Downers Grove real estate taxes, Chaplin was being recognized for her successful fight to impose fiscal restraint at the DuPage Water Commission.

Chicago Tribune - Community Contributor Liz Chaplin for Illinois

Rep. Ron Sandack, the incumbent in the 81st District House race, is vigorously touting a plan to freeze property taxes when property values decline, a move he says would force our towns, villages and school districts to "manage their money better."
But his attempt to reinvent himself as an anti-tax crusader falls flat when his record as mayor of Downers Grove is considered. At the end of 2009, Downers Grove adopted its FY10 budget. This budget included a 12% increase in property taxes even though total assessed valuation was predicted (and did) remain flat.
In Fall 2010, the Village adopted its last budget under Mayor Sandack, for FY11. The FY11 budget documents foresaw a 5% decline in total assessed valuation but nevertheless included a 7% increase in the property tax levy. The FY12 budget, adopted at the end of 2011, did include a reduction in the property tax levy, but that budget was adopted after Martin Tully took office as mayor.

You can read more here.

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