Friday, February 7, 2014

Laurie Nowak's Interview with Gary Zidek from WDCB 90.0 FM

Laurie Nowak DuPage County Board Member, District 6 talks with Gary Zidek from WDCB 90.9 FM about why she supports the Graduated Income Tax. While opposing the Graduated Income Tax is a novel idea, Laurie Nowak uses a facts-based and common sense  approach for her support of the Graduated Income Tax. Laurie hits the ball out of the park in this interview.

Local Property tax is what is hurting local residents and businesses. Property taxes are high because the flat tax does not allow the State to fund schools properly so the burden is passed down to the local level.  Local property tax burden is 40%  compared to 7% in income tax and the S-corps the income tax is closer to 5%.  For local businesses the property tax is a fixed costs whether they are making a profit or not, same goes for families in DuPage. 

Despite not knowing details of the brackets or rates that has not stopped some on the DuPage County Board from using scare tactics and throwing out statics that a lot of families and businesses are going to be hurt by this. The rates themselves are going to be subject to much discussion and debate. Before that can even happen voters are going to be the ones to decide whether or not the legislature should make that change.

Laurie points out that the general fund deficit has been reduced by half over the past 4 fiscal years.
Core services have been cut 25%,  Illinois ranks 2nd lowest in general funds spending in the midwest, which negatively effects the elderly, disabled  and children on a daily bases and also compounds problems with infrastructure, education, health services and law services which we all benefit from and need to remain funded at a level that keeps them sustainable.

You can listen to the complete interview here.

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